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Castle Crashers - PS3 Games - Download MF, MU

Castle Crashers - PS3 Games - Download MF, MU

Castle Crashers - PS3 Games
This might fall under the category of “Hey, 2008 called and they want their game back”, but we have word from The Behemoth themselves (via their blog) that they are in fact knee deep in the submission process for having the game placed on the PlayStation Network.
If you’re a double console owner, and have the game on the 360, then this news pretty much isn’t necessary for you. However, there are a ton of gamers out there that don’t have a Xbox 360 that need to know just how awesome this game is.
For the somewhat lower price by a penny of $14.99 (compared to the 1200 MSP that Microsoft has you paying), you too can experience the awesomeness that was one of the quintessential games to ever be released through the XBL Arcade system. The story, if you haven’t heard already, is textbook 1980s beat-em up and bad guys have taken all our women faire, but does it in a way that will have you laughing and cursing the entire time.
I mean seriously, do I really need to tell you the story and why you should get it? C’mon, if you ever enjoyed games like Dungeons & Dragons Arcade, Knights of the Round, Magic Sword, or any of the other brawlers from Capcom, then you need this game on your PS3 like nobody’s business.
I just wish I had a more clear release date than 2010 for you all out there. Just keep your eyes peeled because you don’t want to miss this title if you’ve never played it.
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