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Need For Speed The Run - RELOADED - PC Game - Download MF, FShare

Need For Speed The Run - RELOADED - PC Game - Download MF, FShare

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For obvious reasons, Need for Speed: The Run has been fighting an uphill battle for credibility ever since E3 this year. Not because the game looks bad or feels like just another installment in the long running series, but because of the title and theme. "The Run" has been the subject of a lot of criticism, but after three demo sessions from EA Black Box, I'm not ready to count this game out before it's gotten started -- and here's a few notes about why you shouldn't, either. 

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It Really Doesn't Have That Much Running In It

Even EA Black Box has admitted to me that focusing their teaser footage around the on-foot, Quick Time Event portions for the next Need for Speed was probably not the best move for their E3 keynote. Regardless, it got people talking about the game, although a majority of the conversation involved the title being a Need For Speed game where you could, well, not drive. But based on what I've seen, the "running" portion of the gameplay is really overstated.
When I asked EA to tell me outright how much of the game involved on-foot action segments, they said "less than 10%" and assured me that the large majority of the game still focused on the racing. If anything, the on-foot segments are meant to give you a breather from the tracks. And I'm perfectly fine with that. As far as the amount of actual on-foot sections, they're probably telling me the truth, because I haven't seen a single QTE bit in any of our in-office demos. Right now, it seems like "The Run" mostly refers to the game's illegal cross-country race more than anything else. 

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Need For Speed: The Run's Race Types (So Far)
  • Sprint -- Racing against a pack of other drivers while trying gain a cozy lead; basically playing bumper cars at 100 miles per hour
  • Time Attack -- Exactly what it says on the tin
  • Rival Battles -- One-on-one races where you must beat the other guy to advance
  • Survival -- Usually, a race where the weather and/or environment is trying to take you out. Think avalanches, hurricanes, and storms
  • Cop Pursuits -- Basically Survival, but with a lot of gunfire. Also involves running and Quick Time Events

Plus, the Actual Racing is Still Very Solid

Honestly, I've always thought that the Need For Speed series has had one of the most consistently good driving engines for several years. That hasn't changed with The Run, which has about a five-minute learning curve. Of course, the game throws a ton of obstacles at you, but the track design and mechanics still feel very fun.

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In Fact, the Story and Race Types Go Together Pretty Naturally

Need for Speed: Most Wanted has always been my favorite guilty pleasure, thanks to over-dramatic actors and entertainingly cliche street racing plots. But with NFS: The Run, I really like the way that race types are woven into the story. Brief recap -- Jack, the main character, owes a lot of bad people too much money, and is racing against 100 other drivers to get the $25 million cash prize.
As the story goes from San Francisco to New York, you'll have to race in different scenarios depending on the plot. In one case, I had race one-on-one through an avalanche the Colorado Rocky Mountains so that Jack wouldn't fall behind a rival racer (who apparently had a deathwish). In other cases, the mission types change because a variety of plot points -- Jack has to abandon his car, weather conditions force him to play survivalist against a pack of other drivers, or police chases turn a time trail into an obstacle course.

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Despite Being Difficult, The Run is Very Forgiving of Failure

Need For Speed titles haven't been walks through the park since Most Wanted hit consoles, and as I've learned the hard way, The Run isn't afraid to turn your car into a smashed-up pancake.

Even the preview crew has trouble getting through races unscathed, as a five-minute course would often take us about five do-overs in half-an-hour. Still, NFS: The Run's rewind mechanic never feels like a cop-out, because you will crash eventually, and sometime you won't even know it's coming. Take the avalanche in the Rockies, for example.
While I generally prefer to use a hood-level camera, in environment-related action scenes it's advantageous to use a wider viewing angle. And despite how carefully I'd be driving, I would get flattened by an errant boulder more than once. You really have to pay attention during the races, and getting to used to the handling on different cars can sometimes throw you off.
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Having Battlefield 3's Frostbyte 2 Engine Under the Hood Makes For Some Impressive Scenery

Visually, Need For Speed: The Run has some of the most impressive enviroments and tracks I've seen in the series yet, and the Frostbyte 2 graphics are definitely putting in their work. Some things are subtle, like the impressive horizon and background scenery, while other things like the framerate maintain a smooth experience no matter how crowded a race gets. We've pretty much hit the ceiling on realism in racing games, but this one keeps things interesting to look at.


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[] Need For Speed The Run - RELOADED for PC Game

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