Devils And Demons Gold (EN) s60v3 / s60v5 Java Gamee

Devils And Demons Gold (EN) s60v3 / s60v5 Java Gamee
Devils And Demons Gold
[by Handy Games]
s60v3 / s60v5
Java Game
Language: EngLish
s60v3: 240x320-N73-E50-N79-N95-N96-N81-N82-N85-N86-N92
s60v5: 360x640 - 5800 / N97 / 5530 / 5230 / X6 / Satio / Vivaz / U5i / Samsung i8910 HD
[by Handy Games] Devils And Demons Gold (EN)
Dark times arrive for the lands of your ancestors. An evil pact of the past is unleashed and claims to settle an old debt. Large armies of devilish creatures arise, waiting for the order to wipe out all humanity. Your tribe decides not to wait for its fatal destiny and sends Desola's best mages and warriors to defeat the lords of hell and their army and to seal their portal to the world of living once and for all.
Dark times arrive for the lands of your ancestors. An evil pact of the past is unleashed and claims to settle an old debt. Large armies of devilish creatures arise, waiting for the order to wipe out all humanity. Your tribe decides not to wait for its fatal destiny and sends Desola's best mages and warriors to defeat the lords of hell and their army and to seal their portal to the world of living once and for all.
Click below to download
360x640 - 5800 / N97 / 5530 / 5230 / X6 / Satio / Vivaz / U5i / Samsung i8910 HD
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