Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD v1.01 Update and Crack - 3DM

Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD v1.01 Update and Crack - 3DM
Change log
Removed mouse acceleration from Keyboard & Mouse controller setup screen. ˇ°AIM MODEˇ± option is now present instead, and mouse sensitivity settings have been re-tuned to accommodate new setting.
Users can now choose between two mouse control schemes: “CLASSIC” and “MODERN.” MODERN setting makes the aiming utilizing native mouse functionality while “Classic” setting retains previous calibration from the original game.
“GAME RESET” in “RETRY OR RELOAD” has been relabeled to “RETURN TO MAIN MENU”
Relabeled ˇ°POST PROCESSˇ± in graphics option to ˇ®COLOR FILTERˇŻ
Master volume level increased.
Bug fixes:
Fixed ready-knife delay when using mouse and keyboard.
Calibrated animation speed at which pottery, lamps, boxes, barrels etc. fall apart when frame rate is set to 60fps. Set pieces getting destroyed during cutscenes such as the castle gate and gazebo have also been recalibrated.
Fixed an issue with the character performing quick turns when pressing aim while turning.
Reduced possible audio desynchronization during cutscenes.
Fixed texture on Ada’s Blacktail (Bottle cap)
Fixed flickering or prolonged black screen during active gameplay on the Water level in Mercenaries Mode.
Fixed problem with Krauser’s bow in Mercenaries Mode Castle level.
Fixed problem with enemies not spawning (Garrador, Leader Cultist etc.) in Mercenaries Mode Castle Level.
Fixed the speed at which hens lay eggs when frame rate is set to 60fps.
Removed green flashing screen that appeared after pre-rendered cutscenes.
Fixed LeonˇŻs distorted voice when roundhouse-kicking Verdugo while heˇŻs frozen.
Fixed flickering in the first custscene of chapter 5-1.
Mine cart QTE difficulty reduced for PRO level difficulty.
Restored the blue light bloom effect from the merchant’s torch.
Known Issues:
Leon’s handgun texture turns black shortly after the cabin cutscene.
Texture from one of the wooden barrels near the jet ski ride is missing (turns into a black texture)
Release Name: Resident.Evil.4.Ultimate.HD.v1.01.Update.and.Crack-3DM
Size: 2.54 MB
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