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Update v1.1

Thanks for supporting Betrayer and all the feedback you’ve been posting!

We are still investigating the UI crash and the “out of video memory” issue some players are encountering, but wanted to get some other fixes and features out in the meantime.

We also want to encourage players to check the Reminders entry of the Notes screen periodically, as it summarizes gameplay tips and tutorial information in case you miss the pop-ups.

New Difficulty Options:

There are now three difficulty options instead of two. The default, Deadly Enemies, is similar to Normal difficulty in a traditional single player game. The original, more punishing default setting is now called Deadlier Enemies. There’s also a new Less Deadly Enemies that is intended for players who are more interested in an adventure than a challenge.

Loot dropping on death is now optional and defaults off. We recommend that players who want a greater challenge and heightened tension enable it in the general options. The reason for defaulting it off is that we assume more hardcore players will have an easier time finding and enabling the option than less hardcore players would have finding and disabling it. Note that enemies still repopulate areas with either setting.

Game Balance:
Enemy perception has been tweaked to make Conquistadors more perceptive and certain other enemies less so.
Enemy vision ranges have been reduced in general.
The Listen HUD option now defaults on.

Bug Fixes:
Fixed issue with several treasure chests in the Fort St. George region losing their red color and chime sound when loading a saved game or returning to the area at a later time. Note that depending which chests you’ve found, there may be some that still show the issue, but they should be the easier ones to find.
Fixed a treasure chest in Outlying Settlements not switching to the dull material when opened.
Fixed an issue that could cause player loot to become unrecoverable in certain situations.
Fixed skeletons sometimes playing the wrong attack animation.
Additional navmesh cleanup to help with enemy pathfinding in some areas where they were struggling.
Fix for certain enemies not being present if you fast traveled to certain destinations in Outlying Settlements.
Wall check removed for player loot drops. Should reduce instances of not being able to recover loot.
Fix for not being able to get the All Graves Found announcement (and Achievement) in Forbidden Wilds in certain cases.
Reduced the volume of the corrupted totem sound cue.
Fixed issue with a dragged inventory item showing the wrong detail.
Fixed a visible seam on the musket powder horn.
Fixed an issue with a couple of ash figures getting set to the wrong collision type when destroyed.
Fixed an issue with those same ash figures playing the chime sound when they shouldn’t.
Fixed a case where you can get the “nothing more to hear” message too soon in Outlying Settlements if you completed things in a certain order.

Beware of potential spoilers below!
Fixed issues with the Tabitha Markley and Maiden in Red investigations not completing. The fix will prevent the issue from occurring but won’t retroactively update the journal if you’ve passed the point where each occurs.
Updated the description for one of the victims to match the dialogue.
Fixed a post-completion issue where you’re directed to return to the Forbidden Wilds.
Fixed issue with Maiden in Red being present at Fort Hope if you die during the assault.
Fixed issue with Listen leading you to James Markley after he’s been released.
Fixed issue with the fire being relit if you return to Forbidden Wilds after completing the game.
Fixed a topic that shouldn’t display if you’ve already learned the name of the Maiden in Red.

Betrayer Update v1.1-BAT
SIZE: 1.2 GB

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