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Patch v1.1 notes:
– Added local splitscreen multiplayer
– Added a new map, try it out in the “custom game” section
– The humans have been given a brain with the cognitive abilities of a 4 year old
– Humans consequently learned to speak. You’ll wish they hadn’t.
– Added more goats
– Isn’t this kid super cute?
– Made fun of Michael Bay. Again. Please don’t sue.
– Added more powers
– Fixed the hitbox of flappy goat
– Poured several buckets full of Optimization™ into the game
– Made sure no class differences exists in Goat City Bay
– Added tons of achievements
– You can now run along walls
– You can now run up walls
– Stand by for Goatfall
– Changed batteries in our fire alarm
– The Goats have learned to ride bikes, press R to mount.
– The Goats have learned to ride longboards, press R to mount.
– The Humans have learned how to ride Goats
– Enjoyed flappy goat
– You can now buy hats for money
– This woman made her skin look 20 years younger DOCTORS HATE HER click here
– Fixed display of Int enchantments on crafted gear
– Applying plastic wrap around your screen will now give you a 3D-effect.
– Added VR support
– Reverted hitbox of flappy goat
– Made hitbox worse on flappygoat
– Removed Flappy Goat, I hate that fucking game.
– Got 11 points on Flappy Goat; readded Flappy Goat.
– Spent more time writing jokes about Flappy Goat than working on the patch
– Changed the points required for the Flappy Goat Achievement from 10 to 30
– Just kidding.
– Removed VR support
– Ultra-realistic water simulation
– Fire alarm still beeping
– You can now swim. Well not really swim, more like float around in a semi-controlled buoyant propulsion fashion.
– Added volume slider in options for NPC speech.
– Deadmau5 has finally left EDM. Is now making Goatronica.
– We went to see Godzilla. It was ok. Cool sound effects.
– Updated patch notes.
– Added a lot of new sound effects.
– Mary had a little … GOAT!? Historians uncover new evidence, click here!
– There is a new game inside of the game, it’s called SteamWorld Goat.
– Honored Notch
– Changed batteries in fire alarm. Again.
– Wanted to add shadows to buildable blocks but couldn’t figure out how, can someone please tell us?
– Patch notes now covers more than an A4.
– Seriously stop making threads asking about patch notes 4 seconds after the patch goes live, calm down
– Game downloading, does anyone have the patch notes?
– New patch?
– Patch released today does anyone know what it does
– Where are the patch notes
– Fire alarm still beeping
– Why is the patch so big?
– Lazy devs.
– If you want we can zip it, then rar it to make it smaller. Do you want it on Megaupload?
– Is this game worth it? Should I buy?
– Devs please put the game on a sale so I can save 4 bucks
– I don’t like ___, please add an option to remove ___
– Performed Satanic rituals to summon Phil Fish
– Plz come back
– Actually optimized the game a bit
– What use are ladders when you can run on the walls?
– I hate water
– Played a whole lot of Wildstar
– Volvo pls fix ___.
– Added a Capture the Flag game mode.
– Added Uncle Goat, I’m sorry about my Goat.
– Added a Capture the Flag game mode.
– Added five new colors, all of which are unseeable by the human eye.
– We actually bought a stuffed goat head IRL for our office, we have no idea what to do with it.
– Updated our Meta Score to 91/100.
– Killed PC gaming
– How long will the patch notes be?
– Changed batteries in the other fire alarm
– Increased Storm Spirit’s Static Remnant AoE by 15.
– Ride a bike with a human on your back.
– You can now play ragdoll goat hockey!

Goat Simulator Update v1.1.28847-BAT
SIZE: 1.07 GB

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