The award-winning action RPG is back, bigger and better than ever!
Torchlight II takes you back into the quirky, fast-paced world of
bloodthirsty monsters, bountiful treasures, and sinister secrets – and,
once again, the fate of the world is in your hands!
Torchlight II captures all the flavor and excitement of the original game – while expanding the world and adding the features players wanted most, including online and LAN co-op multiplayer. Torchlight II is fast, fun, and filled to the brim with action and loot. Adventure solo or online with your friends!
Key Features:
Multiplayer – Play co-op with your friends via LAN or over the
Internet for free. No subscriptions, no item sales. Our new matchmaking
service lets you find friends, start new games, and join existing games.
And, as always, you can play single-player offline as well.
Customizable Characters – Players will create and customize a
character from one of four brand new classes. Each class can be played
as either male or female, with customized cosmetic features and looks to
make each individual character stand out. All new skills and loot give
loads of opportunity for unique character builds.
Moddability – TorchED, the Torchlight II editor, will give players
the ability to create their own mods, adding even more content to the
world. Have your friends download the same mod and play together.
TorchED will be available as a separate download very shortly after
New User Interface – Torchlight II boasts a new and improved user
interface, designed to be easier than ever for new players to pick up
and play. This intuitive interface ensures you can focus on playing the
game the way you want to.
Open World – We’re not only in the town of Torchlight anymore!
Explore vast overland areas and multiple hub towns, fight through rain,
snow, day and night. Our level randomization ensures new layouts, paths,
loot, and monsters every time you play.
New Game Plus – In New Game Plus, the game’s not over until you say
it is. Once you’ve beaten Torchlight II’s primary campaign, you can
start again with the same character for a significantly greater
challenge. You’ll keep all of the skills, gold, and gear you worked so
hard for!
Pets & Fishing – These popular features make their return in
Torchlight II in improved form. More choices, better effects, and your
pet will still make the run to town to sell your loot so you don’t have
game mode single / multiplayer
multiplayer: local network / Internet
System requirements Pentium 4 1.4 GHz,1 GB RAM (2 GB RAM – Vista/7), graphic card 256 MB (GeForce 7900 GTX or better), 1.2 GB HDD, Windows XP/Vista/7
Torchlight II Update 3-RELOADED
SIZE: 1050 MB
Keywords :
Patch notes for version 1.13.x.12
* Fixed Engineer armor set that was showing up as white geometry
* Additional UI performance improvements
* Additional rendering performance improvements
* Precacheing of skills, missiles, and particles to reduce the appearance of stutters the first time those assets are viewed on some machines
* Fixed a crash that could occur with a dying pet that proc’ed on save restoration
* Fixed some issues with Stormclaw bolt chaining
* Blazing Pillar will no longer give enemies the ability to burn you!
* Shockbolts and Shocking Orb can now build charge
* Fixed several non-working augment affixes
* On-Death Procs properly cool down if required (Fixes several issues where a proc ceases functioning after a period of time)
* Blade Pact and Stone Pact last for listed time
* Lore item set now has a tangle ability, instead of a nonfunctional acidrain proc
* Several affixes that work based on unit proximity can work in parallel, when they could not before
* Fixed several issues where procs could be precluded from activation
* Set bonuses based on nearby monster count work properly
* Some more multiplayer XP distribution fixes related to player/killer delta
* Can’t turn alignment on something that attaches to its master
* When a left-click skill is bound, skills won’t track a second mouse click if you click and click-away again (keeps you from pointing the wrong direction sometimes)
* Player block cap set to 75 instead of 50
* Elemental armor reduction can’t reduce armor below zero
* Champions all have 100% charm resistance
* Siege Turrets have 100% charm resistance
Level Scripting
* Can’t prematurely activate Vyrax tower warp with teleportation
* Various minor level fixes
* Various visual updates to the Three Sisters’ Lair
* Some snow effects were not properly tagged as ‘weather’ so would not disable when weather was turned off
* Tutaran trap fixes
* Alchemist can no longer be ‘started’ on his third stage by rerolling, going to the next level waypoint, and back up.