ARMA III Update 9 - FTS

ARMA III Update 9 - FTS
ARMA III Update 9 v1.12.115.915 CHANGELOG:
Added: Slammer UP
Improved: Armored vehicle optics
Added: Sounds for changing fire modes of most guns
Added: Generic soldier animation movement sounds
Added: 1 x full new Radio Protocol
Added: New command briefingName
Added: Insignias should work on all soldiers (as a last hidden section of each of them)
Added: Tooltips to ListBox items in Controls
Added: New particle modules (fire, smoke, plankton)
Added: Icons for Seize and Defend game types
Added: Using BIS_fnc_addIventory, you can now add a class from CfgVehicles (e.g. “B_Soldier_F”) to use its loadout
Added: “Create task” module can now be added to specific side using “owner” attribute, without need to synchronize the module to any unit
Added: Geometry PhysX LOD for Hellcat
Added: Task descriptions can now be loaded from CfgTaskDescriptions
Added: Task notification is now compatible with nested displays
Added: More vehicle classes for structures (for UI organization)
Added: RHA plate surface materials of thicknesses 1, 3, 5, 7, 16 and 23mm, Cast iron plate material
Added: Missing rvmats on MLRS
Added: Ability to re-texture Kuma
Added: More sounds for various cutscene animations
Added: Calling [,false] call bis_fnc_moduleRespawnVehicle will now return current respawn position type (e.g., on start, on BLUFOR respawn, …)
Added: Dynamic task loading in sector module
Added: Attack & Defend objective tasks are now titled “Seize X” and “Defend X”
Added: Ability to choose end type when setting mission countdown
Added: Countdown and Respawn Ticket modules will now automatically end the mission once time or tickets reach 0
Added: On-screen notifications are now logged into diary under “Log” section for later review
Added: New version of demo charge (class DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo_Scripted) that may be touched off by scripts (see
Added: Clicking sound for hiding text in UI
Added: New parameter musicClass for all music tracks
Added: Battlefield sound objects
Added: Sound for self-healing animations
Added: New variant for procedural destruct material
Added: Empty weapon holder on community request
Added: Info about JIP in initPlayerLocal.sqf and initPlayerServer.sqf was sometimes incorrect
Added: BIS_fnc_itemType now sorts Glasses, Headgear, Vest, Uniform and Backpack into new category Equipment
Added: CheckBox control to GUI editor
Added: Specific ground holder for caps to prevent them from levitating
Added: Safety measures to prevent stalling boat engines
Added: New display names for rebreathers to make them easily distinguishable in inventory
Added: New display names for NVGs to make them easily distinguishable in inventory
Added: New sounds to various animations
Fixes in translations of ‘Adapt’ assets and conversations
Fixed: UGV_01 had a different texture for body and turret
Fixed: Missing radio Post-Processing on a few voice-overs
Fixed: Tracks for Panther-based vehicles
Fixed: Flipped trace of right track of Varsuk and Sochor
Fixed: Flipped trace of Kuma’s right track
Fixed: Issue where ampersand in mission description caused missing remaining part of description ( /
Fixed: Missing fire damage for emitter created by setParticleParams
Fixed: Opening Team Switch menu with no switchable units available leads to scripting error
Fixed: SelectSave display title IDC
Fixed: “Unexpected control type” warnings in log
Fixed: Specularity of phone booth materials
Fixed: Colors of fishing nets
Fixed: Mission end animation was not terminated when player died (leading to posthumous victory)
Fixed: Respawn tickets are now decreased upon player death, not respawn
Fixed: Logic side is always friendly to everyone
Fixed: BIS_fnc_executeStackedEventHandler does not have a return value anymore (forums reference)
Fixed: Wrong model of Caucasian head
Fixed: Campaign menu’s replay button
Fixed: Turret texture of Ifrit (thanks to
Fixed: Function header for Respawn Tickets
Fixed: Rangemaster Suit has a correct description
Fixed: Multiline in init EditBox (you are now able to use even text longer than the field itself)
Fixed: Error in PCML optic when ADS (
Fixed: Alpha channel of old MBT gunner reticle (odd mipmaps)
Fixed: H_HelmetB_camo has armor value 0 & passthrough of 1 (
Fixed: Link to wrong textures of officer character
Fixed: Naval Mine (Moored) does no damage (
Fixed: Bullets shown in transparent magazine of PDW2000
Fixed: Wrong campaign menu OK button text
Fixed: Some hitpoints on the Bobcat
Fixed: List of addons for Dedicated Server to run Seize Edoris
Fixed: Some trigger-activated modules didn’t work
Fixed: Cargo parachutes are now correctly animated while opening and landing
Fixed: Darter has been adjusted to withstand assembly even inside houses
Fixed: Berets have a correct texture
Fixed: HQ module was deleting its group
Fixed: Adjusted armor of Truck lights
Fixed: Sounds of owl used as a trigger doesn’t produce an error message anymore
Fixed: Optimized grenade throwing distance according to the realization that RL values are not very well intuitively perceived by player in-game
Fixed: Kerry’s backpack has a correct icon
Fixed: Tigris texture
Fixed: BIS_fnc_bleedTickets showed scripting error when no sectors were available
Fixed: Calling BIS_fnc_respawnTickets to get side with lowest amount of tickets included also sides with no tickets defined
Fixed: Checking for the side with lowest number of respawn tickets will now return empty when no tickets are defined
Fixed: Fixed initial launch position for vehicle launched ATGM and SAM missiles on armored vehicles
Fixed: Changing pistol or rifle for binoculars now has sound in all stances
Fixed: Healing yourself should now have a sound
Fixed: Kerry now has a vest with his nametag
Fixed: Fonts – Added missing Cyrillic characters
Fixed: Picking “Random” position in respawn position menu resulted in player being respawned on the newest position instead
Fixed: Icons of tracer magazines
Fixed: Too aggressive corpse removal in Escape from Stratis
Fixed: Shipwreck icons now are colored black
Fixed: Supply Box – Player can’t change weapon with ammo
Fixed: Panther model.cfg
Fixed: Module framework no longer waits for execution of modules outside of the framework
Fixed: Modules were not executed in the right order upon mission start
Fixed: Scripting error for animals (forums reference)
Fixed: Path to soldier fatigue sounds
Fixed: Ambient noises of Van
Fixed: Calling BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle to create UAV or UGV didn’t create vehicle’s ‘crew’
Fixed: BIS_fnc_spawnGroup didn’t create group members with same group IDs as in 2D editor
Fixed: Group names were broken
Fixed: Overlay of sliders and values in Customize Controller display
Fixed: Occasional script error while animal is in formation
Fixed: Changing stance from crouch on your side
Fixed: Occasional bug in checking of nearby objects in animal behavior
Fixed: Cargo parachute sank into ground because of wrong geometry model. Now it folds when its bottom part hits the ground.
Fixed: Ammo boxes were not recognized correctly by BIS_fnc_objectType
Fixed: One motorized group was still missing its text label (
Fixed: Broken particle spawn (
Fixed: Shaking at low speeds and turning to one side of Buzzard
Fixed: AI paratroopers should now be able to eject from helicopters without killing themselves
Fixed: Name of Kerry’s helmet
Fixed: BIS_fnc_groupVehicles would not have return value when grpNull or no group was sent to the function
Fixed: Animals in formation wanted to walk / run a way more often than out of formation
Fixed: Forbid large satchel charge to be placed inside vests as it is not supposed to fit at all
Fixed: Display names for various weapon, item, headgear and vest holders
Fixed: Bandana Mask weapon holder
Fixed: Wrong mission name in Dedicated Server mission selection for Headhunters and Escape from Stratis
Fixed: Order of vehicles in motorized infantry guerrilla groups
Fixed: Simulation Manager: Ships were being brought to a halt sometimes
Fixed: Callsign module didn’t accept localized strings
Fixed: Non-PhysX vehicles were not supported by Vehicle Respawn module
Fixed: cfgPatches for Black MX Rifles
Fixed: cfgPatches for Katiba rifles
Improved OPFOR legs sustaining too many hits
Stinger has a correct zeroing in iron sights
Leaflets and posters should be no longer available as targets for the player’s team
Caucasian heads should display damage properly
PCML should lock only on proper targets
Improved: Cheetah turret fire geometry
Animated skirt plates for Panther and Cheetah
Improved: Fire geometry of Tigris turret
Gorgon mass distribution
NATO supplies of instant glue for side skirts of Slammers have been depleted
Animated plate selections for other Slammer variants
Tweaked: Kuma fire geometry
Kuma’s turret launches 16 smoke grenades around the whole tank
More smoke grenades for Mora
Considered Kuma’s longer 120mm barrel resulting in increased muzzle velocity
Limited Kuma’s ammo storage capacity to 42 rounds
The Airport building has been repaired and should no longer produce any debug errors
HV Column Wire properties have been fixed
Wreck of offroad (the one seen all over Altis) has been adjusted
Roadways of piers have been tweaked
Moved Campaigns button to the first position in Play menu
Updated: Mod icons are now larger
Repaired PCML reticle
Repaired icon of Buzzard
New: BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler now accepts code or function name (instead of only function name)
Randomization of textures has been removed from FIA trucks to let them have the correct FIA textures (see
Correct path to SMDI material of Trawler
ZSU-39 missiles were oversized
PhysX should not be different on Panther variants
Adjusted clipping of Marid drivers while getting in or out
Improved gearbox behavior on MBTs
Tweaked: Muzzle smoke particle effect (optimization)
Full credits: updated actors and a moderator
Increased airFriction for SDAR underwater ammunition to make it less suitable for ‘above-water’ fire than standard 5.56mm ammunition
Increased initial speed of EBR and Rahim 7.62mm bullet. Previous decrease caused minor issue with OPFOR soldier protection.
Slightly rebalanced Independent vests. Actual hit-to-kill ratios are unchanged, but V_PlateCarrierIA2_dgtl should not have a chance to save you from sniper rifle fire as V_PlateCarrierSpec_rgr could.
Set up proper initSpeed parameters for various infantry weapons according to their RL counterparts or through careful approximation. Also performed slight round up adjustment of airFriction for small arms bullets to create greater distinctions between them.
Performed several minor explosive tweaks
Slammer and variants (Scorcher, Sandstorm) have correct damage and destruction materials
Kuma maminMassCollisionLimitximum gun depression increased
Improved building of texture index for land decals
Radio Protocol: “Move to” object – added new map types & sound objects
Unified collision, fire and PhysX geometries of Panthers
Panther AA and CRV made a bit heavier
Bobcat suspension animations were reversed
Varsuk damage textures display improved
Tweaked: Convoy / normal speed of armored vehicles
Yellow tracers for Kuma 120mm rounds
Tweaked: Dispersion for Slammer main gun
Lights of Hatchbacks are easier to destroy
Various power plants have their own map icons
Another update of proper initSpeed for different weapons in their magazines
Changed: Sound attenuation in helicopters
New parameter killFriendlyExpCoef set. Player shouldn’t be killed by friendly units after destruction of one UAV when controlling it.
Check for the text type added to function BIS_fnc_dynamicText. Command parseText is called only if the input text is a STRING.
Damage materials of Slammer/Panther-based vehicles have been improved
Kamysh turret gun elevation limits revised
Cargo of Slammer now properly stores their weapons
Major adjustment of explosives to match recent changes in vehicles armor. Actual game-play purpose of explosives should remains the same as it was before armor tweaks, but aforementioned vehicle armor tweaking renders previous values obsolete and wrong so recalibration was necessary.
Positioning improved, text block can now be aligned by bottom border in the TypeText2 function
Previous change in demolition charge mass allows diver experts to carry one more explosive
Configured lights, position lights and collision lights of both planes and helicopters
Tweaked flight model of Buzzard
Adjusted MissionTasks function
Standardized damage of tank tracks – invulnerable up to 7.62x51mm and hand grenades, otherwise can be damaged
Tweaked: Kamysh internal damage (bottom of hull was too fragile)
Updated: Thunder sounds
Structure and scripts for animal behaviour completely reworked Cleaner implementation (old system was created and edited during many years by different people)
Some old bugs were fixed
Reactions (mainly formations and danger) of animals should be better (this will probably need further config tweaking)
Sound edges added for cutscene animations
Volume of cutscenes animations have been adjusted
Updated default group positions
Replaced laser designators by range-finders for snipers as was designed
Adjusted: PhysX geometry of HEMTT wrecks
Mk200 has correct tracer color
Various rockets have their launch sound improved
Better shadow LOD for caps
Updated: Position of pilot of Blackfoot to be parallel with the axis of model
Updated: Full and ORBAT Credits
Various weapons, uniforms, vests, headgear and item holders are now placeable in editor
Adjusted fabric type for berets
Adjusted parachute backpack
Beret normal map has been slightly tweaked
Weapon holders have correct format of cfgPatches
Adjusted sizes of icons for weapon holders
Hellcat now has correctly assigned cfgPatches
I_UAV_AI now has correctly assigned cfgPatches
Added FIA soldiers to cfgPatches
Adjusted: Sounds volume of some certain vehicle weapons
Headgear randomization script for civilians should no longer add headgear if a new player joins
New word for targeting sentences in Stealth Radio Protocol
Stealth targeting sentences fixed / improved
New parameter in animal sites. Animals now can stay in and around the site (they will run away only in danger).
Changes required for new CheckBox implementation:
RscToggleButton no longer exists – replaced by new RscCheckBox (just RscDisplaySingleMission)
New RscCheckBox is using CT_CHECKBOX which was already defined but unused until now
Old RscCheckBox was renamed to RscTextCheckBox
Required changes in displays (just a rename of RscCheckBox to RscTextCheckBox)
Style definition added to avoid no entry errors
Rooster added into poultry animal site
Updated order of voice actors by their credits
Snakes? Why does it have to be snakes? (fixed
Darter is able to rotate better on spot (configured backRotorForceCoef)
Tweaked: FoV for airplanes
Changed: Coefficient for walking / idling goats and sheep
Optimized: Artillery shell effects
Updated: BIS_fnc_ctrlSetScale now returns an array – target control position
Various units and weapons have been added to cfgPatches
Removed Super AI from difficulties ListBox
More uniforms, vests and headgear items have been added to cfgPatches
Changed interaction with water for class Plane_Base_F
Increased Satchel Charge power by 50% but decreased its range to 33%. It should be therefore safer for use yet more than enough powerful to level down buildings and severely damage or even destroy armored vehicles if placed properly. Scaled IEDs accordingly.
Decreased weight of thermobaric RPG HE rocket to 2/3 of standard RPG rocket so OPFOR Rifleman may now carry one more
Updated ammo boxes load-outs:
Added powerful Satchel Charges into Explosive boxes
Added side-specific flare composition into Grenade boxes.
Introduced 3-round 3GL grenade mags into BLUFOR Grenade boxes
Various particle optimizations
Potential campaign spoilers:
Exit Strategy :
Fixed: Mission failing
Helicopter detection improved (should not detect player so easily now)
Common Enemy:
Fixed: Incorrect marker link to Kavala in Situation section of briefing
The mission will no longer continue past the powerplant rendezvous if the player isn’t there
The player is now warned if he goes the wrong way just after getting in the truck
The mission will now fail if the player continues to drive the wrong way
Bingo Fuel:
Fixed: Possible tasks-related error message when eliminating the HVT manually
Showcase Night:
Flares would sometimes stay on the ground
Fixed: Flying H-Barrier
Patrol tweaks:
More infantry patrols
AAF and CSAT light riflemen received boonie hats resp. bandanas to distinguish them better from others units (target priorities)
Few (locked) Medical Zamaks added to 2nd and 3rd Scouting
Static weapons replaced with wandering support teams
More SMGs and corresponding magazines for CQB fans
Added: Jukebox module to most of the side missions
Dead ghillie hunter has LRPS scope instead of SOS
Fixed: Several offset characters in hubs
Fixed: Various shifted sitting characters
Fixed: Mortar task would not complete when mortar crew disembarked
Fixed: Assemble task waypoint will now be always visible
Fixed: Getting stuck in the armory
Added: Several safety check mechanics to hubs
Added: Foolproof mechanics for the briefing actor / speaker position
Added: New icons for Nikos and Orestes uniforms
Improved: Armory code for black screens and cinematic borders
Longer delay between ambient conversations in hubs
Loading procedure for loading of the hub framework optimized
‘Adapt’ hubs are now tagged to use pool squad
Wet Work: Added fail-safe to ensure squad members always have appropriate diving equipment
Adjusted cfgCharacter flags for all missions to ensure correct weapon pool handling
Gunlights removed from walking patrols on hubs to fix some light-source glitches
Light source params tuned down, to lower the intensity and light distance in hubs
Units repositioned to make them easier to find (they are using baits) in Elite Warrior side missions
Bounding mine replaced with standard one (fewer ragequits ) in Sniper side missions
Ambient animation snap points on hubs adjusted
Object compositions updated
Redundant triggers and objects deleted
Camp Maxwell compositions adjusted
Patrol return points adjusted to be closer to the base
Gear adjustments for the player in the first mission of ‘Survive’
Briefing and armory code tweaks for hubs
Triggering angle for mission givers adjusted, triggering should not require such precise positioning
Compositions of hubs updated
Implemented new analog car steering controls (separate from standard ones in controls)
Added: Difficulty option for enabling / disabling stance indicator
Fixed: CTD when a rabbit opens a vehicle’s inventory
Fixed: UGV will not progress to next waypoint when controlling turret
Fixed: Shadows of objects outside land grid
Fixed: setParticleParams updates existing values
Fixed: Scripting command createUnit is now respecting height coordinate (relative above ground – 0 means place on ground)
Fixed: forceRespawn command. Now it will not write into diary log.
Fixed: Automatic restart after change in Game Options, invoked from Campaigns or Scenarios
Fixed: Commanding is not accessible in direct control of UAV
Fixed: Radio is not accessible in direct control of UAV
Fixed: [UAV] Being renegade after crashing Greyhawk
Fixed: Rain artifacts
Fixed: Issue when updating subscribed mission
Fixed: Ammo keeps disappearing even when bags are full
Fixed: Unable to take weapon from own backpack to a hand
Fixed: “TAKE” event handler does not fire for when you pick up an item which goes directly to your assigned items slot with default action
Fixed: Uniforms/Vest/Backpacks disappear when you double-left-click on them in the briefing screen inventory menu
Fixed: maxHoldsterValue also considers weapons directly in the vehicle
Fixed: AI Soldier are able to stand up again and start shooting right away
Fixed: Assigning radio item did not fire Take-event (
Fixed: Situations that triggered an endless exhausted breathing sound loop
Fixed: Bleeding message spam (MP optimization)
Fixed: Possible CTD in vehicle simulation
Fixed: Multiple cases of AI being unable to select correct pose
Fixed: Cyclic Forward tooltip in Controls
Fixed: Obsolete marker light merging
Fixed: Airplane taxiing mode was not enough to start moving
Fixed: Take action for weapon with magazines around
Fixed: Damage from buildings was called for each client
Fixed: Radio echo in conversations: in groups use radio instead of direct speech
Fixed: After playing a Steam Workshop scenario, and returning to the Scenarios menu, it was no longer selected in the list
Fixed: When sorting the Steam Workshop scenarios by another filter, this was reset after playing a scenario
Fixed: Usage of RadialBlur for soldier freefall
Fixed: Sounds of gun shooting were not always played
Fixed: Switch magazine: sound was not always triggered
Fixed: An issue with ragdoll in MP
Fixed: Problem with missing action on weapon holder when holder is near an object with a big envelope
Fixed: Airplanes would sometimes not start moving
Fixed: Problem with setVariable command sending empty value
Fixed: Duplicated parachutes
Fixed: Radio protocol: Playing ‘combat shouts’ for members of the player’s group
Fixed: Weapon fire mode SFX were not updating with the player position
Fixed: An issue where AI was getting killed when opening a parachute
Fixed: An issue in multiplayer where tank tracks appeared to be underground
Fixed: AI aiming error after saving and loading
Fixed: Black holes in the sky (
Fixed: Problem when calling createVehicleCrew on Linux
Added: Hints can now point to specific hard-coded keys, not only to predefined actions
Added: Particles now have enhanced shader with possible performance gain
Added: new script functions: currentWeaponTurret, currentMagazineTurret, currentMagazineDetailTurret, selectWeaponTurret
Added: Scripting commands getMass and getCenterOfMass
Added: Config parameter to set minimal mass when object is not passable minMassCollisionLimit
Added: New MP commands hideObjectGlobal and enableSimulationGlobal
Added: Gear commands for getting names of slot items – hmd, binocular (see
Added: File name parameter for MP admin command #captureFrame to export server frame directly into file
Added: Helicopter parameter – backRotorForceCoef
Geo location service is now using https protocol and capacity=2X parameter was added to avoid running out of requests budget
Fixed: Geo location service URL was malformed. https-api prefix was missing and service prefix was extra.
Clipping bounding box for animated small objects is enlarged more
The coefficient for small object clipping bounding box enlargement increased (to solve disappearing objects in some situations)
attachTo script command should now work on MP mission init
PhysX integration code has been optimized
Hotfix for clutter generation under roadways near to sea shore
Rain disabled in thermal vision
Minor tweaks regarding Steam Workshop
Do not send near-zero damage and request for bleeding to buildings (MP optimization)
Airplane does not take off just because player took control (UAV)
Added: New airplane parameters (“draconic forces”, thrustCoef, angleOfIndicence)
RscAVCamera is able to display UAV camera feed
Weapon remains selected for divers, it just cannot be fired (unless underwater capable)
AI now chooses correct action when going from stand to prone / crouch
Added: Possibility for only one PiP in UAV view (primary from gunner position)
More fixes to AI being able to change stances properly
Player without swimming suit doesn’t get messed up when entering water with weapon
Soldiers with a diving suit will select their rifle when underwater (already solved for AI)
Optimized: Wreck burning
Optimized: Synchronization of public variables (kudos to the DayZ programmers)
AI animation graph optimization
Hotfixed: Disappearing of large objects at certain camera angles
New CheckBox implementation (RscCheckBox class). Very customisable – support for all possible CheckBox states textures, colors and background colors. Scripting support – cbChecked, cbSetChecked
Sound: Added triggers for gear and flaps (not yet configured in our content)
Removed: SuperAI difficulty setting (part of a larger difficulty adjustment – OPREP soon)
Now ignoring animals in statistics
Stance indicator is now displayed for CameraOn instead of PlayerOn
Optimization: animals no longer provide ‘supply’
Note: Arma.III.Update.7-FTS is required
Release Name: ARMA.III.Update.9-FTS
Size: 164 MB
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